Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My First Tropical Fish Tank!

Hi everyone! I'm in english class right now but I just wanted to throw this out there, I'M GETTING TROPICAL FISHIES TODAY! So, I'll post the pics soon.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Man eaters becoming a thing of indoor "Decor"?


You may or may not know this, but over the past few decades it has become increasingly popular to keep carnivorous plants! The most common probably being the Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula).

The Venus Flytrap is an amazing plant, generally growing in areas low in nutrients, it has adapted or "evolved" if you will. Since the Venus Flytrap grows in these low nutrient areas it gets its nutrients from insects that it digests. On the inside of each trap (Picture above) are small hairs called "trigger hairs", when touched these hairs give the signal for the trap to close, thus trapping the insect or other small animal inside. The Venus Flytrap is fun and easy to care for. I grow them, and I love it, I also grow carnivorous Pitcher Plants and Sundews, but that's another blog post, for another day...And I got to get to class ;) See ya

(P.S. For more information on Venus Flytraps, Here is a Wikipedia link :P http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_flytrap )

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random likings

So.. Today I thought I'd make an entry all about completely random things...that I like! Most of these things, are things of nature..but some...eh, not so much.

Number 1: I like...ORCHIDS! Cattleya, Dendrobium, Oncidium, Paphopedilum,
Phalaenopsis, Vandaceous...aaand yeah! All of them! (I would have more pics..and I did try to upload them, but they were WAY too big! Sorry.)

Number 2: I like GECKOS!!!

Number 3: I really like Insects! Especialy moths, butterflies, "True bugs", and mantises.

Number 4: I like vampires

ANDDDD. Number 5: I like growing Passionflower!

..............I know this was a long post..So what? Well, Till next time, SEE YA!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day geckos are so freaking cool!

Hi everyone, this is my first blog post! Something I have been thinking about for a while is how cool Madagascan Day Geckos are..(is madagascan incorrect?)....But seriously, they are really cool!

I have three herps in my home right now...I have a leopard gecko, and two green anoles...well...three...but one got loose in the house so yeah.

Anyway, Day geckos eat nectar, fruit, and anything sugary (even if it isn't 100% good for them). They're somewhat expencive and slightly difficult to take care of but all in all they make great pets! Some people are even lucky enough to live in their native areas! Just another great example of Biodiversity!!!!

(P.S. I know, this post sucks really bad...but I'll make better ones soon! PEACE!)